Mumbee’s House

Adventures in Oville begin at Mumbee’s House where she guides your child in the creation of their personalized avatar.

Today Mumbee’s includes two games, several activities, books, music, flashcards, kindness quests, clickables and more.

Its a great place to start and if lost, a good place for a hug and directions!

Colouring Pages

Learn, Laugh and Grow!

Activities at Mumbee’s include her very popular match game, basic instruction in the four food groups, wardrobe planning, reading and music.

Children come to Mumbee’s to update their avatar and pick up today’s cookies for delivery.


Play dressup with Mumbee

Mumbee’s Match Game

Learn about Healthy Eating

Storytime with Mumbee

Add New Possibilites for your Child Today! Try Mumbee’s House Right Now!

  • Develop Memory Skills
  • Learn about Nutrition and Meal Planning
  • Explore Emotions
  • Experiment with Wardrobe Planning
  • Exciting Stories
  • Mumbee shares her Rock' n' Roll and more!